Many museums and monuments in the French capital are often unknown for their affordability. Exhibitions are available all year round and are open to everyone. Why not take advantage of this?

📷: At the Le Plateau - Contemporary Art Center museum
Here is a list of 10 museums and monuments in Paris that are accessible for free all year round:
1. Le Plateau - Contemporary Art Center Place Hannah Arendt, corner of rue des Alouettes and rue Carducci, Paris 19 - Metro Buttes-Chaumont Jourdain
2. The New Fragonard Perfume Museum 3-5 place de l'Opéra Louis-Jouvet, Paris 9 - Metro Opera
3. Atelier Brancusi - National Museum of Modern Art - Centre Pompidou Place Georges Pompidou / Rue Saint Martin, Paris 4 - Metro Rambuteau
4. Curie Museum (Radio Institute) 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5 - Metro Cardinal Lemoine / Place Monge
5. National Museum of the Legion of Honor and Orders of Chivalry 2 rue de la Légion d'Honneur, Paris 7 - Metro Solferino
6. Museum-Bookstore of the Compagnonnage 10 rue Mabillon, Paris 6 - Metro Saint-Germain-des-Prés
7. Museum of the Prefecture of Police
4 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève,
Paris 5 - Metro Maubert-Mutualité
8. Le Bicolore - Contemporary Art Platform of the Maison du Danemark 142 avenue des Champs-Élysées - 2nd floor, Paris 8 - Metro Charles de Gaulle - Etoile
9. Zadkine Museum (free for permanent collections outside temporary exhibitions)
100 bis rue d'Assas,
Paris 6 - Metro Notre-Dame-des-Champs
10. Memorial to the Holocaust 17 rue Geoffroy l'Asnier, Paris 4 - Metro Saint-Paul
Have you already visited one of these museums? 😊
If not, make a note of them for your next stay in Paris. 😊