Paris is a city known for its excellent cuisine and rich culinary culture. A visit to the capital of France without trying local specialties would be incomplete.
With the aim of helping travelers discover the culinary treasures of the city, we have prepared a list of recommended bakeries, restaurants, and cafes using our profile on the Mapstr app, where you can try authentic flavors of France and other cuisines from around the world.
Whether you prefer elegant restaurants or a more casual atmosphere, our guide has something for everyone.
Ready for culinary adventures in Paris ?
We invite you to check out our recommendations, recommendations available on your smartphone !
Thanks to the Mapstr app on your smartphone, you can create a map of our recommended culinary places in Paris. The app allows you to add your favorite restaurants, cafes, shops, or other places to the map that you want to remember and easily locate based on their position.
Mapstr operates on a simple user interface. After installing the app and creating an account, you can browse our My Housepitality profile maps. Mapstr is user-friendly, allowing you to easily navigate around the city, discover new places, and remember your favorite spots. The app is available on devices running iOS and Android.
Don't wait, download the app and discover nearby places wherever you are in Paris :
After downloading the app and creating a user account, the map with all recommendations opens using the link above.
The color of the place corresponds to the label we created to help you find a specific place.
By selecting one label, we can easily find the place we are looking for. Let's take French cuisine as an example. Opening the menu on the left side of the screen at the top, you need to choose French cuisine: francaise/french/francuska and then all our recommended places with French cuisine will be displayed, including those closest to your current location.

In summary, Paris is a city full of flavors and scents that are worth discovering from a culinary perspective. With the mobile app Mapstr, you can easily explore new places, create personalized maps, and easily find your favorite spots. In addition, through our My Housepitality profile on the Mapstr social platform, you can stay up-to-date with new culinary venues and events in Paris. We invite you to use our recommendations, share our Mapstr profile with friends, and stay up-to-date with culinary news in the French capital !
Link to My Housepitality profile on the Mapstr app :